This is Vixen Gypsy...
I'm an insanely, silly, 32 year old chic who lives
for cartoons- Tom & Jerry, Droopy, old Tex Avery's, Looney Tunes, Tazmania, The Animaniacs, Ren & Stimpy, The Simpsons,
Family Guy, Futurama- I'm an amature artist- Designing tattoos, Drawing & Painting Blacklight Art, Tranferring Cartoon
characters for Paintings, Creating Avatars, Signatures & Dolls for use on sites- I'm an amature singer (With no hopes
of ever being famous!)- An animal lover, but not a fur or meat hater! - I live for great comics- George Carlin, Sam Kinison,
Brette Butler, Eddie Murphy, Stephen Wright- I also collect many things deemed trivial by the "normal" public- Lava Lamps,
Glow In The Dark Puzzles with Dragons or Wizards, Windchimes, Water Fountains, Incense Boxes- So... there you have it.
